Holy Michael, the Archangel, defend us in battle. Be our safeguard against the wickedness and snares of the devil. May God rebuke him, we humbly pray; and do you, O Prince of the heavenly host, by the power of God cast into hell Satan and all the evil spirits who wander through the world seeking the ruin of souls.





O God, the lover of the salvation of mankind,

who did commission blessed Gabriel,

assisting before Your throne,

to announce to the ever glorious Virgin,

the mystery of Your blessed Son’s becoming man,

we beseech You,

that recurring to his intercession,

we may be helped in all our wants,

spiritual and temporal.

Through Jesus Christ, our Lord.


Prayers to the Saint Archangels


Every year in November Orthodox believers celebrate the Day of the Saint Archangels Michael and Gabriel, which is called by people “The Saint Archangels’ Day” or “The Saint Warriors’ Day”. They fulfil the mission of informing people of all the secrets of God, disclose all the prophecies to angels and through them to people.

Archangels Michael and Gabriel depicted in icons of the Deesis, flanking Jesus Christ, are among the seven supreme angel spirits.

Michael is a Heavenly Taxiarch, the leader of the Heavenly army in its fight with the dark forces of the Hell. In his right hand he is holding a sward to defeat the powers of the evil. Worship of Michael in the Orthodox religion goes back to the ancient times.  

Archangel Gabriel is God’s messenger. It was he who predicted the birth of John the Baptist and Lady Mary, and as an angel of Annunciation came to Mary and informed her about Christ’s birth. He is depicted with a lily in his hands.

Above Michael’s hand there is a hovering dove as a symbol of peace.

Archangels Michael and Gabriel, as the main angels, protect people throughout their lives, and at the end, at their last moment they take their soul. After they take the soul of the diseased person to all the places that were important in his or her life, Archangel Michael takes the souls to God to receive divine justice.